产品概述(Product summarization)
R4太阳能电池组件连接器,该系列连接器采用鼓形簧片接插,公母头与接线盒线缆配合使用,采用弹性体材料,接插连接简单方便.本产品已通TUV 2 PFG1161认证.
Connector R4 System for photovoltaic adopts contact and insertion of reed with inner-knob type.It is used with male and famale points.pv junction box and cables made of elastomeric material and makes contact and isertion more certified by IEC61215 and TUV 2PFG1161.
主要技术规格(Main Technical Specification)
最大耐压 Rate Voltage: DC1000V
最大工作电流 Rated Current: 30A
使用温度 Ambient Temperature: -40℃~90℃
安全等级 Safety Degree: Class Ⅱ
防水等级 Waterproof Degree: IP65
连接线规格 Rated Connecting Capacity:2.5 M㎡ 、4 M㎡ and 6MM2