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   2018-08-03 世纪新能源网71750


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1988 年的中国,雄狮觉醒,灰尘已湮没了它的光芒和那曾经的威武。它尽力咆哮着,拖着沉重而疲惫的身体,但始终不变的,是那双看遍五千年历史、饱经沧桑的双眸,以及那依然火热而跳动的心脏。





















30 years' Turbulence for Zhongli Group,a top 500 company built on RMB5000

In 1988, China was awakened, its ancient glories and mighty powerovershadowed by dust. Roaring and struggling, this exhausted sleeping lionremained vibrant and persevered, having seen much of the changes in human life.

1988 is the beginning of the first ten years of China’s opening andreform. This year saw Wang baixing, with RMB 5000 out of his own pocket,establish Tangshi cable factory in Changshu city, Jiangsu province.30 years ofcontinuous innovation and upgrading helped charted Zhongli’s business mapcovering five high-end manufacturing industries, namely, special wire/cable andfiber optic cable, new energy PV industrial chain, new polymer material,military electronics and titanium 3D metallic printing. Zhongli Sci-Tech Group(herein referred to as Zhongli) had grown up to be a national key high-techgroup, a top 500 private company in China and a top ten independent innovation enterprise.

Everyleaping forward was closely related to product innovation.

In 1994, Zhongli’s first take-off came with the successful development offlame-retardant flexible cable, the sales of which reached 10 million yuan thatyear. Fire-resistant, low-smoke and halogen-free flexible cable re-developed in1996 filled the domestic gaps and obtained 15 national invention patents. Thismarket hit held 70% ofChina’s domestic market share.

Since then, Zhongli had successively launched new products such ascommunication optical cable, special flexible optical cable, digital internalshielding photoelectric cable for railway, new polymer material, automobileairbag and magnesium alloy parts, obtaining 23 national patents and 6 inventionpatents in total.

Wang Baixing once commented that continuously developing new products totailor to the special industrial needs is the key to Zhongli’s achievements today.

From an A-share market beginner to an innovation PV leader

Since its birth, it took Wang Baixing 21 years to land Zhongli in A sharemarket in 2009, while it took Zhongli only 8 years to rise to an industriallead from a beginner in PV industry. Capital and industrial momentum are thekey driving forces shaping Wang’s business empire.

In 2010, Zhongli founded Jiangsu Talesun Power Technology Company (later renamedSuzhou Talesun Solar Technology Company)to officially start expansion into PV industry. Having operated for just lessthan half a year, Zhongli encountered the down times in PV industry when overcapacity resulted in price slump. At that time, global PV manufacturing wasrunning under deficit in a whole.

Wang Baixing did not retreat despite the fast declining. He was a firmbeliever in the future of PV industry amid China’s significant progress. Whilegenerally not considered a wise choice then, he took immediate action to build PVpower plants in western regions, topping 700MW in 2012. By 2014, Zhongli hadalready developed over 2GW capacities when the rush for PV power plants just began.

In the following two years, large ground power plants were built on alarge scale in western China with their own problems. As western regionplants are restricted by relevant policies in load curtailment, landacquisition and power consumption, many PV companies are inflicted withfinancial problems, such as shortage of funds.

At that time, Wang Baixing had already led Zhongli out in its transitionto "Photovoltaic+" schema. In response to the national callfor eliminating poverty, he actively explored innovative ways of PV povertyalleviation. Wang baixing’s keen market sense and unique judgment tided Zhongliover the PV depression in 2012 and the subsequent western power plant crisis.

PV poverty alleviation makes a more brilliant career

Probing into "Photovoltaic+" schema enabled Wang Baixing todiscover his new interests. Under his guidance, Zhongli devoted itself to PVpoverty alleviation, shifting its focus from capital-centered commercial powerplants to light asset EPC contracting for poverty reduction.

From 2015 to 2017, Zhongli pioneered the launch of new third generation agricultural PVpoverty alleviation programs: the first generation being "Smart PV +Technological agriculture";the second being"Poverty stricken village PV farm" and the third one is "Familysunshine farm" .

Born in the countryside, Wang Baixing is attached to the land. He investedheavily in research and development to tap the potential of land. Inthese agricultural PV projects, Wang Baixing took innovative moves tolift the module mount to over 4 meters above ground and expand the spacebetween PV module supports to more than 10 meters.

Single panel installation, tilt adjustments and similar measures enabledpenetration rates to reach more than 70% beneath the module where rice, wheatand other food crops can be mechanically cultivated. It was an exemplaryapproach to mechanized PV agriculture.

From then on Zhongli had furthered its efforts in PV poverty alleviation.In the past few years, Zhongli built 370MW first generation "Smart PV+ technological agriculture" demonstration bases in Qinghai, Ningxia,Shandong and Jiangsu provinces, lifting more than 13,000 poor families in overtwenty impoverished villages out of poverty. The second generation"Poverty-stricken village PV farm" poverty alleviation programhad helped 43 poverty-stricken counties across the country to shake offpoverty, benefitting over 440,000 people. Zhongli received numerous awards as aresult, including Global Top 500 New Energy Innovation Enterprises, ChinaEnergy Industry Poverty Alleviation Innovation Award, China Energy EnterpriseInnovation Responsibility Award and China Energy Project Innovation Award.

Whenasked why he dedicated himself to PV poverty alleviation, Wang baoxing’s reply wasalways as follows.

"Iam a son of my mother, and also of the peasant." Being a child, he barelysurvived for lack of food. At that time, there were no poverty alleviationprograms in place. He did hope that someone could come to their rescue, even ifonly with a few pounds of rice. When he grew up to be a capable entrepreneur,Wang Baixing lived up to his initial commitments, the very incentive prompting Zhongli to actively participate in PV poverty alleviation.

PV poverty alleviation program had become a new way for povertyalleviation in rural China, being listed as one of the top ten povertyalleviation programs by the State Council Office for Poverty Alleviation. WangBaixing predicted that PV poverty alleviation would remain to be a promisingsector in the next three years. Zhongli planned to build "Poverty strickenvillage PV farm" for 300 impoverished counties and more than 25,000 poor villages by the end of 2019, benefiting a total of over 3 million people.

WangBaixing was beginning a new round of strategic planning for the third ten yearsnow. Being a newcomer in the new energy vehicles and power batteries sector,Zhongli announced its plan in February this year to acquire shares worth around10 billion yuan from Shenzhen BAK Battery limited company. As the crucialcomponents of new energy vehicle, power batteries have very promising market prospects.
标签: 光伏 腾晖 王柏兴
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