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   2010-06-08 Solar Be 翻译Wacker Chemie12610

    瓦克化学股份有限公司从挪威FESIL集团购买了Trondheim市附近的Holla金属硅生产基地, 价格为65百万欧元。 两家企业于2010年6月4日星期五夜晚签订了有关购买合同。 并购尚需得到瓦克监事会以及FESIL AS董事会同意, 并在执行前获得有关卡特尔机构的批准。 瓦克将接收FESIL在Holla的全部生产装置, 也包括房地产。 生产基地的约140名员工将继续在这家总部设在德国慕尼黑市的化学集团工作。 预计2010年第3季度末之前能完成企业转移。

    “一战略性并购是长期保证我们的金属硅需求量的关键性步骤”, 集团总裁兼首席执行官Rudolf Staudigl说。“购买了Holla生产基地后, 原料市场的价格波动对我们的影响将变小, 同时也提高了我们在高需求量时期的供货可靠性。”

     FESIL集团总裁兼首席执行官Thorstein Abrahamsen说: “购并是一个战略上的转捩点, 因为在Holla生产的硅金属将成为瓦克有机硅增值链中重要的一环。 FESIL集团未来将专注于生产铁硅合金, 促进全球铁合金的贸易, 并且将继续推展他们的Solsilc 工艺, 用于量产适合制造太阳能板的硅金属。 目前这项工艺尚处于中试阶段。”

     金属硅是瓦克最重要的原料之一, 用于生产有机硅和超纯多晶硅。 Holla Metall的年生产能力约为50,000吨金属硅。 这相当于瓦克目前年需要量的大约三分之一。

    Munich, June 7, 2010 ? Wacker Chemie AG is acquiring the Norwegian FESIL Group’s silicon-metal production site in Holla (near Trondheim). The two companies signed a purchase agreement to this effect on Friday night, June 4, 2010. The transaction still requires approval of WACKER’s supervisory board and FESIL’s board of directors as well as clearance by the antitrust authorities. Under the terms of the transaction, WACKER takes over all of FESIL’s production facilities in Holla, including the related real estate. The Munich-based chemical company intends to continue employing the site’s existing workforce of some 140. Closing of the transaction is expected before the end of Q3 2010.

    "This strategic acquisition is a key step in securing our long-term supply of silicon metal," said Group CEO Rudolf Staudigl. “Acquiring Holla makes us more independent of raw-material price fluctuations and increases our supply security during peak-demand periods.”

    “This acquisition represents a strategic change, bringing the Holla Silicon Metal plant into an integrated part of WACKER’s silicone value chain”, says Thorstein Abrahamsen, CEO of FESIL. “FESIL AS will now focus its resources on ferrosilicon metal production and develop its world wide ferroalloy trading as well as industrialize its Solsilc Solar Grade Silicon Metal Process now at the pilot stage.”
Silicon metal is one of WACKER’s most important raw materials and is needed for the production of silicones and hyperpure polysilicon. Holla Metall’s production capacity is around 50,000 metric tons of silicon metal per year, which corresponds to about one third of WACKER’s current annual needs.

标签: 光伏,硅金属
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