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Third Gen Solar发明者赢得107万美元千禧年大奖

   2010-06-11 Solar Be 翻译匿名13380

    瑞士洛桑联邦高等理工学院的Michael Graetze是一位科学家和光子学教授。对于世界其他地方而言,他是“依尔格莱策尔电池的发明者,”――该电池更出名的名字是dye-sensitize太阳能电池。 DSSCs是太阳系中第三代领导集体的创新,具有低成本,易生产,薄,灵活等特点。

    At École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland, Michael Graetzel is a scientist and professor of photonics and interfaces. To the rest of the world, he is the inventor of “Graetzel Cells,” better known as dye-sensitized solar cells. DSSCs are leaders among third generation solar innovations. They are low-cost, easy to produce, thin and flexible if need be.

    The Millennium Technologies Prize is awarded every two years for a “specific and groundbreaking innovation that has a favorable impact on the quality of life and human well-being.” The Finnish academy obviously believes that Graetzel cells will play a major role in the future of solar technology, as well as energy generation and consumption.

    Like its peers on the front lines of solar research and development, the Graetzel solar cell must achieve commercialization with conversion efficiencies rivaling today’s solar industry leaders (10-percent efficiency has been reached in the laboratory). Professor Graetzel’s million-plus dollar Millennium Prize at least ensures his research will not end anytime soon.

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