440W高效单晶半片全黑组件 (Mono PERC Half Cell Black Solar Module)

该组件是尚德于2019年6月1日刚刚全新推出的旗舰款Hipower系列440瓦高效单晶半片全黑组件。该组件由尚德技术团队经过反复测试、对比、研究,采用158.75方单晶PERC电池片,同常规单晶电池相比,长度和宽度均增加了2mm,电池片变为完整的正方形,消除了传统单晶组件的封装留白,组件有效发电面积提高1.2%,组件功率平均提升约8W,高达20.4%的组件转换效率相较于同规格产品,可提供更高的电力输出,更低的工作温度和更高的峰值功率系数可以为客户带来额外的发电量增益,全黑的外观更是完美匹配现代产品设计美学。78片大板型设计,更高功率密度,有效地降低了安装面积,节约了人力和支架结构成本,最大化提升光伏系统的经济优势和输出功率。以澳洲南部120MW项目为例,采用常规单晶PERC半片375W组件,度电成本(LCOE)约为0.03 USD/kW•h;而采用HIPower Max 440W组件,可使度电成本(LCOE)降幅达到6%。综合以上技术优势,通过出众的电池技术和领先的封装工艺,该组件的最高功率可达440W。该产品亮相SNEC展会标志着尚德超高功率组件正式登陆市场,是组件4.0时代的又一力作。
410W N型PERT高效单晶双面双玻半片组件 (Bifacial Mono PERT Half Cell Solar Module)

390W 9主栅多晶PERC半片组件(Poly PERC 9BBHalf Cell Solar Module)

330W高效单晶9主栅半片全黑双面双玻组件(Bifacial9BB Mono PERC Half Cell Black Solar Module)

330W高效单晶9主栅半片双面双玻组件(Bifacial 9BB Mono PERC Half Cell Solar Module)

HyPro STP340S-A60/Wfh
340W高效单晶智能组件(SmartDC Solar Module)

Hypro STP315S-20/Wfw-TG
315W高效单晶防污排水TG智能组件(Self-Cleaning Smart DC Solar Module)

430W高效单晶叠瓦组件(Shingling Solar Module)


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In addition to the high-quality products mentioned above, Suntech also held the activity themed "Assembling Trumpet to Find Old Suntecher".
In 2001, with great passion and the target of "sparing no efforts to illuminate every corner of the world with the cleanest and richest solar energy in the nature", the newly established Suntech started its journey in the PV industry.
The 19 years have witnessed the rising of Suntech's tall building from scratch, with each tile telling the efforts of all staffs.
The 19 years allows Suntech to cover all mountains and rivers, with each step being steady and worthy.
As a forerunner in the PV industry of China, Suntech has cultivated numerous outstanding PV people. Your contribution is greatly appreciated; it's the perspiration and time you paid out that make Suntech have its current achievements; it's also the high-spirited, selfless and fearless days that make you become the person you are today.
All through the journey, we have helped each other be successful. Gratitude is hereby delivered to each person that once contributed to Suntech, each Suntech staff that contributed to Suntech with their youth and efforts; we'll never forget those days all through the journey!
For the encounter and recognition, the "Old Suntecher" who visit Suntech booth during SNEC 2019, scan to QR code to follow the WeChat official account of Suntech, and answer "job number + your story + blessing to Suntech" will obtain a delicate gift.
We hope to thank you for your company with Suntech on the journey with this humble gift.
* 200 parcels of gift in total, first come, first served, until all gifts are distributed out.
In addition, we prepare fine tea break for all customers; all new and old customers are greatly welcomed to visit our booth.
Booth No. N1-530, looking forward to meeting you!
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