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ET Solar新一轮融资在即 整合优良资源再次发力

   2019-07-15 世纪新能源网27030
核心提示:对于中国光伏企业而言,2018年是异常漫长的一年。众多厂商在政策突变的阵痛中寻找各自的出路。在这一年里,ET Solar积极应对的举
Chinese PV manufacturer ET Solar is closing its new round of financing


The year 2018 is extremely long for Chinese PV industry companies, every and each of them tried to find a way out through the continuing pain which is caused by the sudden change of policy.

在这一年里,ET Solar积极应对的举措吸引了资本的注意,经过与多方接触,ET Solar在2019年6月份和投资方签署了相关协议。在接下来对ET Solar优良资产的整合过程中,将由香港上市公司中发展控股(475HK)领头,并联合国内知名光伏企业参与的投资方将会对ET Solar的生产、研发、营销各个环节进行梳理和重新配置;对ET Solar品牌的市场营销加大投入;同时投入研发资金,对产品性能和管理水平进行提升。在经过此次的资源优化之后,ET Solar将在剥离不良资产,调整老旧产线以降低运营成本;进一步开发全球云供应链,投资并建设位于东南亚的新工厂,利用新产能所在地的地理与贸易优势,贴近需求侧市场。新一轮的融资预计在2019年下半年至2020年一季度左右完成,总额不低于5亿元人民币。

ET Solar has signed an investment contract with the concerned parties in June 2019, according to the contract, a Hongkong listed company Zhong Fa Zhan Holdings Limited (475HK) will lead and together with a front-row Chinese PV company invest ET Solar to upgrade the company’s abilities of researching, manufacturing, and marketing. As a part of the whole plan, a brand-new factory will be invested and constructed in Indo-China Peninsula, and ET Solar will continually develop the global supply chain to take advantage of the geography and trade policy of the new capacity for the demand-side market. Meanwhile, ET Solar is going to adjust its old manufacturing base to optimize the operation cost. This round of financing will be closed in H2, 2019 or no later than Q1, 2020, the total amount will reach 500 million in RMB at least.

拥有了新的生产基地和营销平台的ET Solar无疑将大大提高面对国际贸易中各种风险的能力,结合十四年光伏制造和运营经验,持续为全球广大客户提供可靠、优质的服务。

With no doubt, a 14-year experience of manufacturing and operation in the PV industry plus the new platform will enable ET Solar more choices to face the risk in the international trade and continuing service to the global clients.

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