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   2010-07-06 Solar Be 翻译Agency Reporter13200


    奥巴马说,美国能源部将在本周批准贷款担保18.5亿美元,作为政府经济刺激计划的一部分,由此可鉴政府正在“加速向干净能源经济过渡,并加倍利用风能、太阳能等可再生清洁能源。 这一步将可能创造新产业并未美国的造就成千上万个新职位。
    另有4亿美元将进入科罗拉多州的盛产太阳能囊中,以扶持该公司新建的两个新的太阳能面板制造工厂。该工厂预计创造2,000 个建筑工人岗位及1500个全职职位。

    United States President Barack Obama said loan guarantees would create 5,000 jobs and support the first US solar plant to provide energy through the night, businessgreen.com reported on Monday.
    Obama has once again underlined the crucial role that low carbon technologies will play in leading the US out of recession, using his weekly address on Saturday to announce nearly $2bn in loan guarantees to two large scale solar energy projects, which combined are expected to create up to 5,000 jobs.
    Obama said the Department of Energy would this week approve $1.85bn in loan guarantees as part of the government‘s economic stimulus package, citing the move as evidence the administration is ”accelerating the transition to a clean energy economy and doubling our use of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power - steps that have the potential to create whole new industries and hundreds of thousands of new jobs in America.”
    Spanish renewable energy firm Abengoa Solar is to receive $1.45bn in loan guarantees to help support the development of its proposed Solana solar farm near Gila Bend, Arizona, which is expected to generate enough power for around 70,000 homes.
    Obama insisted that the project would provide a major boost for the US economy, while also providing the country‘s first solar plant capable of storing energy and generating power overnight.
A further $400m in loan guarantees will be provided to Colorado-based Abound Solar Manufacturing to help support the development of two new solar panel manufacturing plants, which are expected to create 2,000 construction jobs and 1,500 permanent jobs.

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