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Detroit Edison投资万美元兴建Blue Cross太阳能装置停车场

   2010-07-14 Solar Be 翻译 Amy Lane13040

    Detroit Edison生公司正计划投资百万美元在密歇根州底特律市中心Blue Cross Blue Shield的停车顶部安装太阳能装置。
    根据Detroit Edison与Blue Cross签订的20年的协议,200千瓦光伏发电系统将覆盖42,000平方英尺屋顶中的31000平方英尺,计划于明年春天开始运作。
    Blue Cross的系统产生电力有望满足其市中心厂区所需电力的百分之二十左右。

    The Detroit Edison Co. is planning to build a $1 million solar installation on the roof of a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan parking structure in downtown Detroit.

    The 200-kilowatt photovoltaic system will cover 31,000 square feet of the 42,000-square-foot roof and should begin operating next spring, under a 20-year agreement signed by Edison and Blue Cross.

    The installation is part of Edison’s $100 million SolarCurrents pilot program in which the utility is installing photovoltaic systems on customer rooftops or property throughout Southeast Michigan to generate electricity.

    The solar energy systems are installed, owned and operated by Edison, while participating customers get an annual credit on their energy bill as well as a one-time, upfront construction payment to cover any inconvenience during installation. 

    The Blue Cross system is expected to generate about 20 percent of the base power needed for Blue Cross’ downtown campus.

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