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   2010-07-27 Solar Be 翻译Unkown11450

    美国太阳能产业协会(SEIA)总裁Rhone Resch已发表声明,呼吁美国参议院包将太阳能等气候能源写入载入能源法案。
   “我们赞赏参议院法律的手段解决在墨西哥湾的事件,” Rhone Resch说, “这一灾难提醒人们,美国必须立即停止对化石燃料依赖。”
   “如果太阳能法案获得通过,50个州的太阳能能源部署将加快步伐,届时可产生数以十万计的新就业机会,同时也将帮助美国重建其太阳能生产基地,并保持其在这一产业的全球竞争力,” Resch补充说, “8月休会前,参议院迅将速通过这项突破性能源法案规定,促进太阳能产业的发展。”
   此外,一些可再生能源产业集团和其他利益相关者给参议院多数党领袖Harry Reid发出了一封书信,要求将可再生能源发电的标准要求列入能源法案法规中。他们在信中写道:“如果太阳能相关法案不立即通后,美国将失去源部门数以十万计的就业机会,同时也永远的把太阳能清洁能源的领导权拱手让人。

    Rhone Resch, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association, has issued a statement calling on the U.S. Senate to include solar provisions with bipartisan support in the pending energy bill.

    "We applaud the Senate for bringing legislation to the floor to address the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico," Resch says. "This catastrophe has been a stark reminder that the U.S. must end its dangerous dependence on fossil fuels, and soon."

    "While the Senate has struggled with partisan politics all year, there are several key solar provisions that enjoy bipartisan support that should be a part of the final legislation," he continues.     "These include extension of the Treasury grant program, renewable energy manufacturing incentives, and reform and restoration of funding for the Department of Energy loan-guarantee program."

    "If enacted, these policies will result in hundreds of thousands of new jobs, accelerated deployment of solar energy in all 50 states and will help the U.S. rebuild its manufacturing base and remain competitive in this rapidly growing global industry," Resch adds. "The solar energy industry urges swift passage of this energy bill - including bipartisan solar provisions - before the Senate breaks for the August recess."
    In addition, several renewable energy industry groups and other stakeholders sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid calling for the inclusion of a national renewable electricity standard in the energy bill.

  "Without immediate passage, hundreds of thousands of future jobs in the clean energy sector could be lost and surrendered to other countries forever," the coalition wrote.

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