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   2010-07-28 ne2121世纪新能源11350

【美国当地7月27日】 - 纽约太阳能工业协会(NYSEIA)称赞纽约州转变对光伏补助计划的态度,加快了光伏项目申请贷款的议案过程,促进太阳能行业继续发展。


EarthKind太阳能高级副总裁,NYSEIA总裁Ron Kamen说:“这多亏了发展管理局和协会的合作。之前光伏产业前阶段进行缓慢,目前太阳能产业加速发展再重新向推进。


 时间进程的缩短意味着太阳能项目向前推进在纽约举行。 哈得孙河谷清洁能源的莱茵贝克说NYSERDA已提交了他们的新项目并将在未来几个月内完成,该公司还雇佣了几名新员工。


ALBANY -  New York Solar Energy Industries Association (NYSEIA) praised the state for turning around processing of applications in its photovoltaic grant program, allowing the industry to continue on its growth track.

Reversing a dramatic slowdown in processing state solar grant applications earlier this year, a record number of applications have been processed in June by New York Energy Researchand Development Authority (NYSERDA) in half the regular turnaround time.

“After slamming on the brakes earlier this year with program changes and delays, the solar industry is revved up again and moving forward again, thanks to the great collaboration at every level between NYSERDA and our association,” said NYSEIA President Ron Kamen, senior vice president of EarthKind Solar.

NYSERDA has caught up with a backlog of older applications and processed a record 227 applications in three weeks times, due to improvements in streamlining the application process and improved communication. In total, 550 applications have been processed in six weeks.

The faster processing times means solar projects are moving ahead in New York. Hudson Valley Clean Energy of Rhinebeck said NYSERDA has presented them with new projects to be done in the coming months and the company has hired several new employees.

“NYSERDA’s cycle time to processing new applications has really improved in the past month or two,” said Jeff Irish, president of the firm. “We’ve seen some get approved in less than a month. Maintaining the high quality levels will be important as the industry moves forward. Our hope is that NYSERDA continues to be diligent about enforcing design quality and realistic customer expectations.”

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