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SCHOTT Solar新总部在Mainz落成

   2010-08-25 ne21.com21世纪新能源13440

SCHOTT SolarAG 安排下属子公司从Lower Franconia总公司搬到Mainz,落成仪式上,Mainz州长,公司的总裁出席。并且该公司研究机构也会一起搬过去,公司将在2000到2010年,在Mainz新地点投资5亿欧元。新总部将会有更多的空间去发展。

SCHOTT Solar AG will now be writing a new chapter in the history of the company. Today, the solar company inaugurated its new headquarters together with around 100 invited guests, including the Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, Kurt Beck, and the Mayor of Mainz, Jens Beutel. In the future, SCHOTT Solar will be shaping its destiny from out of Hattenbergstraße in Mainz, in close proximity to its parent company, SCHOTT AG. "By arranging for our solar subsidiary to move from Alzenau in Lower Franconia to Mainz, we are giving them more room to grow. We have also improved SCHOTT Solar AG’s ability to network with our functions at corporate headquarters and, even more, the research facilities we have here, like the Otto Schott Research Center," the Chairman of the Board of Management of SCHOTT AG, Prof. Udo Ungeheuer, explained. He also noted that SCHOTT has invested almost 500 million euros in its site in Mainz between 2000 and 2010. The opening of the new headquarters sends a clear statement in two different ways. At SCHOTT Solar, the signals are clearly pointing in the direction of growth at the international level. Furthermore, the group’s new headquarters demonstrates the possibilities that solar power offers for responsible construction.

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