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5N Plus 和 Abound 太阳能公司签署了CdTe组件的供货协议

   2010-08-30 18630
核心提示:5N Plus公司和Abound 公司签署了长期的供货协议。在协议下,5N Plus公司将为Abound 太阳能公司提供CdTe原料来满足Abound公司生产薄
5N Plus公司和Abound 公司签署了长期的供货协议。在协议下,5N Plus公司将为Abound 太阳能公司提供CdTe原料来满足Abound公司生产薄膜太阳能组件的需求。

5N Plus公司总裁和总执行官杰克坤评论道“紧随今年一月我们与Abound公司签署的理解备忘录,我们非常高兴的想媒体透露这个激动人心的协议。这项协议将使得CdTe薄膜电池更为稳固的成为了光伏电池的重要组成部分。”

5N Plus and Abound Solar sign supply agreement for CdTe used in solar modules

5N Plus Inc. has signed a long-term supply agreement with Abound Solar, Inc. Under the terms of this agreement, 5N Plus will provide Abound Solar with cadmium telluride (CdTe) to be used in the manufacturing of the company's thin film solar modules.

5N Plus president and chief executive officer Jacques L'écuyer stated: "We are pleased to report that this agreement has been signed, following the memorandum of understanding with Abound Solar that we announced in January 2010. This agreement reinforces our position as the supplier of choice for CdTe in the solar industry.

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