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中国引领绿氢时代”国际研讨会 暨 国际绿氢组织与大兴国际氢能示范区合作备忘录签约仪式

   2022-01-10 东升国际创业基地 氢能交流中心325720

The world is facing a major challenge from climate change. The world economy needs to swiftly decarbonize and reduce the use of coal, oil, natural gas and other fossil fuels, in order to alleviate the pressure on the climate and improve air quality.


Following General Secretary Xi Jinping’s commitment to the world’s Dual Carbon Goals at the 75th United Nations General Assembly, hydrogen energy has become an important energy choice for China to cope with climate change and build a decarbonized society. The development of the hydrogen energy industry has become a strategic measure for China to step away from its dependence on fossil energy and to ensure energy security.

根据国际能源署的数据,到2050年,绿氢将为世界提供多达25%的能源, 绿氢的推广应用将对清洁能源的发展发挥重要的示范作用,可以乐观地预期,当技术革新、政策支持和市场普及能够一齐发力,则“绿氢时代”,将势不可挡。

According International Energy Agency data, green hydrogen will provide up to 25% of the world’s energy by 2050. The promotion and application of green hydrogen will play an important role in the development of clean energy. Policy support and market penetration can work together, to make the "green hydrogen era" unstoppable.


In order to increase the public’s attention to green hydrogen and attract more technical and financial support, Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone and the International Green Hydrogen Organization have fully cooperated to explore the value and potential of green hydrogen in a broader perspective and accelerate the green hydrogen revolution, with hope to establish an international practice of emerging industrial ecology.


In order to communicate with colleagues from all walks of life who are concerned about the development of green hydrogen, how to promote China to lead the green hydrogen era, take a path of green hydrogen development with Chinese characteristics, and accelerate the development of green hydrogen industry, an international seminar on "China’s Leading Role in the Green Hydrogen Era", as well as the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between Green Hydrogen Organization and Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone will be held at 14:00 on January 18, 2022 in Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone. You are hereby cordially invited to attend. 



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标签: 绿氢 大兴 氢能
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