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   2023-11-06 腾晖光伏15680
核心提示:该1MW的项目采用1872 块腾晖光伏高性能双面组件

近日,由D3 Energy公司开发,位于美国佛罗里达Duke Energy Hines Hines Complex的水上漂浮式光伏项目正式并网发电。该1MW的项目采用1872 块腾晖光伏高性能双面组件,电站并网发电以后可为当地100多户家庭提供清洁能源。


建设水上漂浮光伏项目,组件需克服复杂环境下潮湿、腐蚀、风浪等一系列难题。为了保证组件的安全可靠以及发电的稳定性,腾晖在制造过程的各个环节都实行严格的质量管控措施。腾晖光伏海外营销高级副总裁邢雅宾先生表示:“公司持续创新产品技术,不断丰富产品线,可满足不同类型客户对光伏组件的多样化需求并多年获得PVEL TOP Performer,公司产品不仅完全胜任水上光伏的项目应用,同时我们的农业光伏解决方案在全球也获得了极大的好评。腾晖光伏长期坚持组件功率正公差,致力于为客户提供高质量产品保障的同时带来高收益的发电回馈。”

Talesun Solar floating photovoltaic project officially connected to the grid for power generation

Recently, the floating photovoltaic project, developed by D3Energy, and located at the Duke Energy Hines Complex in Florida, USA, was officially connected to the grid for power generation. The project uses 1,872 Talesun high-performance double-sided modules, equating to 1MW of power. After interconnection, this FPV system has the capacity to power over 100 local households annually.

Not only does this floating photovoltaic project have minimal shading, thus boosting highly efficient production, it also saves valuable land resources. At the same time, it also improves panel efficiency due to the the cooling effect of the water. Depending on location and water depth, the cooling effect of the water can increase panel production between 5-15%.

In the construction of floating photovoltaic pojects, the modules need to overcome a series of problems, such as humidity, corrosion, and stormy waves, in a complex environment. To ensure the safety and reliability of the modules and the stability of power generation, Talesun has implemented strict quality control measures at all stages of the manufacturing process. Mr. Xing Yabin,  Overseas Marketing Sales and Operation Senior VP of Talesun , said: It has constantly innovated product technologies and enriched product lines to meet diversified needs of various types of customers for photovoltaic modules. The company has been awarded with the PVEL TOP Performer honor for many years. Its products are fully qualified for floating photovoltaic project, and its agricultural photovoltaic solutions are also highly praised around the world. Talesun has long adhered to the positive tolerance of module power, and been committed to provide its clients with high-quality product assurance and high returns from power generation.

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