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   2009-02-10 ne21.com21世纪新能源15820

为了尽快恢复因长期政局动荡而引发的经济衰退,伊拉克政府决定依靠引进先进工艺技术,如太阳能发电,来解决经济危机。由于伊拉克的公共电网设施简陋,因此离网太阳能发电技术对整个城市来说尤为重要。为此,伊拉克电力部主任及五名工程师日前前往位于德国Memmingen的Phaesun GmbH公司,接受“特训”。

此次“特训”为来访者提供了一个全方位的系统认识,内容包括如何维护及安装光伏发电设施。伊拉克电力部主任Ibrahim Alalkawy表示,“我们此行的目的在于如何为我们的城市提供电力保证。在Memmingen,我们获得了很多具有建设性的建议,尤其是这里的发电厂,对于乡间供电及太阳能照明起了很大的帮助作用。”

Iraqi Government imports Solar Know-How from Memmingen
On 1 February a delegation of the Iraqui Government consisting of six persons came to a training session lasting several days at Phaesun, a specialist for grid-independent photovoltaics, headquartered in Memmingen, Germany. The engineers are collecting technical know-how at Phaesun. What was their aim? To increasingly provide Iraq with solar electricity.
Memmingen, 6 February 2009. Technical competence is only present in modest amounts in countries such as Iraq, which are striving for economic recovery after a longer crisis. Therefore, these regions are dependent on importing such knowledge, as, for example, from the sector of solar technology. Since the Iraqi public electricity grid is in a dismal condition, off-grid solar technology is especially interesting for this country. It is exactly in this area that the General Director and five engineers of the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity (MoE) are currently being educated with a tailor-made training programme at Phaesun GmbH in Memmingen.
They are learning how one maintains and installs photovoltaic plants. Furthermore, they are receiving a comprehensive view into new possibilities of using solar technology. “It is our mission to provide Iraq with electricity nation-wide. In Memmingen we have already received valuable suggestions about how we can reach this goal. In particular, the workshops have been very helpful regarding rural electrification and solar lighting”, reports the General Director Ibrahim Alalkawy. “Because we have had such consistently positive experience at Phaesun, we will continue to work with them as a partner in the future”.
In 2008 Phaesun delivered components for 6,000 solar-driven street lamps by order of the Iraqi ministry. The newly composed lighting system tolerates high temperature fluctuations and delivers ideal results even with low solar irradiation. Once again, the ministry plans to order several thousand street lamps from Phaesun this year.


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