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   2009-11-06 ne21.com21世纪新能源20700

  索比光伏网(Solarbe.com)长春电11月4日,中国科学院所属三家研究所与染料敏化太阳能电池(DSSC)生产商G24 Innovations (G24i)正式签约,承担该技术的工业开发及业务扩展。这三家科研院所分别为:中国科学院的长春应用化学研究所(CIAC)、天津的国家纳米技术与工程研究院(CNANE)以及中国纳米技术产业化基地(NIBC),三家研究机构将共同推进DSSC的工业化,使G24i的太阳能技术在材料、生产及科研方面取得重大进展。
  对于与中国科学院所的合作,G24i的首席执行官John Hartnett解释说:“这个协议代表着G24i实现发展的重要机会,在这些中国科研机构的帮助下,我们有信心在短期内实现成本的削减并加速商业化。”
  G24i获欧洲的瑞士Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) 授权,生产太阳能光伏染料电池技术,并赋予全球无限制的分销权,这包括所有现时及未来的知识产权。

Just three weeks after G24 Innovations (G24i) successfully launched the world’s first commercial application of Dye-Sensitive Solar Cells (DSSC), the global pioneer of DSSC announced that it has signed a formal agreement with three of China’s most prestigious institutes to accelerate industrial development of the technology. Continuing its expansion, G24i has signed an agreement with the China National Academy of Nanotechnology & Engineering (CNANE) in Tianjin, together with the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC) which is part of the China Academy of Sciences, and the Nanotechnology Industrialization Base of China (NIBC).

Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells are unique in that they are extremely robust, lightweight and durable, and produce electricity in low-light conditions indoors as well as outside. G24i’s DSSC modules are so versatility that they can be used in industries as diverse as personal electronics, building and construction, and military and defense where rugged conditions and wide variations in lighting can apply.

The contract signals the intent of the parties to establish an accelerated growth platform for the industrialization of G24i’s technology. The three national Chinese institutes have agreed to commit their resources to industrializing DSSC with the objective of making significant advances in materials, manufacturing and scientific aspects of G24i’s thin-film solar technology. The agreement comes on the heels of G24i’s debut at the Hong Kong Electronics Fair where the announcement of new G24i new solar products received widespread attention from industry and top tier media in the region.

Commenting on the signing of the agreement, chief executive officer of G24i, John Hartnett, explained: “This agreement represents a very significant opportunity for G24i to tackle some developmental challenges. With the help of these major Chinese Institutes, we are confident that we can achieve significant cost reductions in the near term and drive commercialization at an even more accelerated pace.”

Inventor of the DSSC “Graetzel Cell” and professor at the Swiss institute, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale

标签: 太阳能,王鹏
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